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Community Enrichment

Our Club members volunteer in many Civic & Conservation activities to promote beautiful gardens and displays in and around our community. These include many ongoing commitments, such as...

Berlin Town Hall – 240 Kensington Road

The window display located by the Town Clerks office is decorated with a new composition every season by the Artistic Committee.

Berlin-Peck Memorial Library – 234 Kensington Road

A seasonal arrangement is placed on the front desk of the library. In addition, we volunteer to decorate for Christmas. This includes a large tree in the adult section and a smaller tree in the Children’s area, as well as decorated wreaths and arrangements on the interior and exterior. In 2017, member Tracy Shipman created our first annual Veteran’s tree which honors our soldiers past and present, with ornaments adorned with the names of local Veterans. This tree is on display for the month of November.

*If you would like to have a veteran name added to the tree, please watch for our Application Link on the home page in October.

Kensington and East Berlin Post Offices

In each of these locations, our members plant and maintain garden spaces along the front entrance that include both annuals and perennials.

Senior Citizen Center – 33 Colonial Drive

A seasonal wreath is displayed throughout the year at the Reception Desk.

Volunteer Park – Farmington Ave / Porters Pass  

Located at the intersection on the main thoroughfare, this park is visible to all who pass by on foot or vehicle. The Volunteer Park Committee plants and maintains the perennial and annual flowers, including the new (2018)  pollinator  garden at the corner.  Decorations and ribbons are added at the clock and gazebo to celebrate the seasons and major holidays.


Marjorie Moore Bird Sanctuary – Peck Street

Located on a parcel of land next to the old Peck Library, now the Berlin Historical Society. This is a project begun by members Molly Knapsack and Connie Shoplick. Members plant and maintain this beautiful, secluded park donated by Ms. Moore for others to enjoy.  It has been preserved to encourage bird habitation and as a place to wander the shady paths for a quiet stroll. Berlin High Upbeat youth sometimes provide assistance.  

Civil War Soldiers Monument – Percival Avenue

Civil War Soldiers Monument - Percival Avenue   This small garden is planted each spring at what is said to be the first (1863) Civil War monument in the country. Located next to Kensington Congregational Church, it is maintained by the Horticulture Chairperson.

War Memorial – Worthington Ridge / Farmington Ave

This monument is dedicated to those who served in all wars and all branches of the military. Planters and the area around the monument have been maintained by KGC members since the disbanding of the Berlin Garden Club in 2016. We work in cooperation with the VFW and the Berlin Parks and Grounds department. A memorial wreath is displayed at this monument, dedicated to local soldiers of all wars, made by a committee of volunteers.


Wreaths around Town

In 2016, we took over from another club decorating and placing seventeen Christmas wreaths in prominent locations around town, including the fire and police stations, town hall and war memorials.

Community Enrichment
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Projects & Special Events

Our Club conducts many projects, events and fundraisers to support our community and to promote civic beauty and pride in our public places, to raise awareness of environmental concerns and to advance the art of floral design and horticulture. Some are ongoing, some occasional, with new ideas under consideration and planning. So, stay engaged to hear more about them or to help us plan for them!  


May Plant Sale 

Check back in the springtime for more information regarding our annual plant sale.

Berlin Fair (September/Annually)

Check back in the fall for more information regarding Berlin's Fair.

Holiday Boutique (November/Biennial)

Check back next November for our Holiday Boutique.

Garden Therapy (Monthly) 

Begun in 2011 by member Dottie Fox, members share their love of gardening and design with residents at Ledgecrest Health Care Center on Kensington Road. All enjoy the hands on workshops, time spent with others, being creative and reconnecting with nature.

Memorial Day Parade (May/Annually)

Weather permitting, members decorate a float which features things we do in the community and members get to ride along.

Scarecrow Contest (October/Annually)

Member Rose Wollman began this project several years ago in conjunction with the Park & Recreation Department. It is now sponsored by Raising Berlin, a group of moms who originally came together to teach our children by example what it means to be part of a community while building lasting memories for all. As part of the Fall Foliage Festival, a KGC team enters a garden-themed scarecrow to display along Farmington Avenue and show our community spirit.

Youth Gardening (New 2018)

Member Cyndi McKinnon, with her committee, is leading this new activity with a group of Girl Scouts to encourage our young people to learn about gardening and develop their interest in and appreciation for the environment. They participated in our recent Plant Sale.

CT Flower and Garden Show (February/Annually/Hartford)

The annual FGCCT-sponsored flower show is held at the Convention Center and attended by fellow garden club members, agriculture students and interested gardeners and designers of all talent and interest levels.  Our members volunteer our time to hostess every year.  Many also submit entires in both design and horticulture and have won prizes for their efforts.

Fine Arts and Flower Show at the Wadsworth (Past & Possible Future/Wadsworth Atheneum)

In May years past, our members designed a floral arrangement inspired by a painting from the museum collection assigned by the museum’s Women’s Committee.  We hope to participate in this challenging event in the future.

Native Oak Tree Project (June 2016/Chamberlain Highway)

As the FGCCT president’s project that year, we received state support to fund this undertaking.  We worked with the Town of Berlin to choose a site and selected a tree from a local nursery for planting.  A Red Oak was planted at the entrance to the Hatchery Brook Conservation Area on Chamberlain Highway. Carefully nurtured at the beginning, it is growing well each year.

Projects & Special Events


One of our more significant contributions to the community is our annual scholarship award. This is granted to a Berlin/Kensington student who displays an interest in pursuing a career in Conservation, Environmental Control, Horticulture or similar fields of study. Selection is made on the basis of academic achievement in the related fields and favorable instructor recommendations.
The following residents were granted this award as follows:

2023    Alex Miloszewski

2022    Michael Vignone

2021    Gabrielle Foster

2020    Neil Tighe

2019    Bo Dehm Wicklund

2018   Hetal Petal

2017   Alex Glabau 

2016   Nathaniel Baretta 

2015   Skyler Korn

2014   Brian Thomas

2013   Emily Ann Deutsch

2012   Connor Hilbie

2011   Bennett Lohmeyer

2010   no qualifying recipient

2009   Michael Scheyd

2008   Ben Gagliardi

2007   Bryan Wasik

2006   Gregory Horbal

2005   Joseph Noyes

2004   Laura Beveridge

1991-2003 The scholarship was known as the Bess McIntosh Memorial Scholarship with half of the funds contributed by her husband, Doc McInstoh, a local veterinarian and long-serving member of the Board of Education and Board of Finance. KGC assumed full costs from 2004 on.

2003   Kara Carvalho

2002   Melissa Choinski   

2001   Vincent Sharrard 

2000   Laurel Rudge                          

1999   Chester Winnicki

1998   Jesse Kavumpurath & Gregory Senia

1997   Michael Wrobel 

1996   Andrew Howard

1995   Jenny Robinson

1994    Lisa Mathews 

1993    Eric Christensen

1992    None

1991    Glen Dube

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